Canada's Bioeconomy Strategy:
Leveraging our Strengths for a Sustainable Future
Canada’s Bioeconomy Strategy was released on May 14, 2019.

The report was produced by Bioindustrial Innovation Canada in partnership with the proponents of BioDesign: BioNB, BIOTECanada, FPInnovations and Forest Products Association of Canada.

Canada’s first national Bioeconomy Strategy reflects the views of more than 400 industry representative from across the country.
With this Strategy, industry has addressed the ways in which Canada’s competitive advantages including access to biomass, global leadership in forestry and agriculture, sustainable resource management, and a skilled workforce, can make Canada a world leader.
Read news release here:
Canada's Bioeonomy Strategy News Release - English
Canada's Bioeconomy Strategy News Release - French
Download the full report:
Canada's Bioeconomy Strategy Report - English
Canada's Bioeconomy Strategy Report - French
BioDesign's New Website: BioDesign Website
Questions and comments respecting Canada’s Bioeconomy Strategy should be directed to
A.J (Sandy) Marshall, Executive Director, Bioindustrial Innovation Canada at sandym@bincanada.ca
About BioDesign
The BioDesign consortium concept formed in 2017 around a collective mission to build and support highly-innovative Canadian firms who seek to commercialize new bio-based products and develop new sustainable biomass-to-bioproducts technologies. This vision for a strong Canadian bioeconomy if realized would have many benefits for the country, including economic growth, environmental benefits and new biotechnology innovations.
Past Webinars
Wednesday February 20, 2019: With 107 participants, the BioDesign team presented the strategy they are working on and some of the results from the in-person consultation sessions. The presentation were followed by a Q&A session. Participants also learned how to provide their input on key priority areas and recommended actions for the Canadian bioeconomy as the BioDesign team builds this strategy. The webinar was intended to engage stakeholders who did not attend any of the in-person sessions held in January and February 2019.
Webinar recording is available here: https://youtu.be/75wgv1I9PFQ
To view Webinar's presentation click here: PowerPoint Presentation