About Us
BIC is accelerating technology development, removing barriers to commercialization and enabling broader product adoption
Bioindustrial Innovation Canada (BIC) is a nationally focused not-for-profit business accelerator based in Sarnia, Ontario.
BIC is focused on enabling Canada to become globally recognized leaders in sustainability by:
converting renewable resources, such as agricultural and forestry by-products and residues, into value-added bioenergy, biofuel, biochemical and biomaterials
efficiently using the world’s limited resources (eg. water, energy) through innovative technologies
recovering and reusing the world’s limited resources within the circular economy
for use in a wide range of commercial applications along the chemistry value chain to advanced manufacturing including automotive and aerospace.​
​​A tactic to accomplish global leadership has been the development of sustainable chemistry clusters across Canada. For example, the hybrid chemistry cluster in Sarnia-Lambton is well positioned to become a North American leader in industrial bioproducts manufacturing.
BIC has played a key role in developing biomass supply chain capability and attracting anchor companies to the region, which form key assets in the cluster's chemistry value chain.
BIC, from its inception, has focused on sustainable chemistry innovation. In 2015, BIC established the Centre for Commercialization of Sustainable Chemistry Innovation (COMM SCI) with a $12-million contribution from FedDev Ontario. COMM SCI supports businesses across southern Ontario with critical investment, strategic advice and services to advance commercialization and accelerate new sustainable chemistry products and bio-based innovations. In 2020, FedDev Ontario provided BIC with an additional $15 million to extend its proven COMM SCI model to establish the Ontario Bioindustrial Innovation Network (OBIN) and support a sustainable chemistry cluster in the St. Lawrence Corridor in eastern Ontario. The network continues to build strong innovative companies in the sustainable chemistry sector, supporting them to commercialize their products and services and to scale up to gain access to regional, national and global markets.
BIC’s work is having positive impacts on the sustainable chemistry and clean tech sectors across the province, giving companies access to two diverse cluster sites with a wider range of expertise and resources. This means more innovative companies are developing products that reduce environmental impacts.
Vision & Mission
BIC's mission is to provide critical strategic investment, advice and services to business developers of clean, green and sustainable technologies.
Creating jobs and economic value sustainably for Canada.
At BIC we have the funding to support organizations and attract new ones to build out the cluster based on experiences in the past. Currently we have 27 organizations in our portfolio right now, and we hope to see that double in the future. Overall, as a hybrid cluster, we are not trying to replace the chemical companies, we are simply trying to leverage off them and grow.
International Connectivity
BIC currently has MOU's with. . .
BIC has signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) agreements with SPRING in Italy, Biobased Delta in the Netherlands; VITO in Belgium and Life Sciences Queensland in Australia. All partners are focused on creating a strong program on cluster development in their region and country, but with the knowledge that creating a stronger relationship between our organizations and countries with respect to building the bio economy at home and internationally is a key ingredient.